Sample essay writing topics
Paper Presentation Topics On Marketing Management
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Business and Society Case 1 Essay
Business and Society have a confused relationship. Associations make items or convey administrations with the objective of making a benefit. Individuals and social structures that people make together make up society. Organizations and society are of an intelligent framework. Business firms take an interest in constant associations or trades with its outer condition. Society and business make up an agreeable social framework where each other’s activities influence each other. In the partner hypothesis of the firm, all organizations have a reason to make an incentive for its differing partners. For these associations to stay, they should make a benefit for their proprietors and, likewise, organizations must comprehend and take all stakeholders’ interests, force, and partnerships into record and in this manner attempt to make various types of significant worth for their partners, regardless of whether for representatives, networks, or others. Organizations must perceive who the corporation’s advertise and nonmarket partners are. Each business firm has financial and social associations with society, regardless of whether they influence decidedly or contrarily; are proposed or unintended. Partners are the individuals who influence or are influenced by the firm, regardless of whether they have a market relationship or not. Frequently in light of numerous interests, the partners can actualize their monetary, political, and different powers in manners that can help or resist the association. Partners may act free or together to affect the organizations. Present day organizations built up a scope of complex, limit crossing offices that oversee of cooperations with partners and society. For example, Walmart hugy affects society and should adequately and proficiently manage partners interests. Various tremendous variables shape the connection among business and society. These incorporate changing cultural and moral desires, moving open desires and government approaches, quick paced worldwide economy, managing biolog ical concerns, and changing the transformational job of innovation and development. Corporate methodology needs to manage desires for all partners and even society itself. Application Points Section 1 Discussion Questions 1. The issue for this situation is basically that Disney had a dream of causing individuals to feel like they are â€Å"in another world†while they were in Disneyland. In spite of the fact that, this meddles with organizations coming into their domain and building moderate lodging for individuals who work inside the dividers of Disneyland. Disney eventually has the last say in the issue as a result of their persistent income stream for the city of Anaheim. This implies regardless of what Disney will get what it needs. 2. The pertinent market partners incorporate the workers, clients, providers, and lenders. The nonmarket partners incorporate the network, governments, and the overall population. 3. Partner interests a. Workers †have a progressively moderate lodging complex close to Disneyland (support SunCal’s plan) b. Clients †have a fabulous time and important time at Disneyland (no doubt apathetic regarding the circumstance, yet are influenced by implication) c. Providers †Ultimately make or lose cash outfitted on the accomplishment of Disneyland (don't bolster SunCal) d. Leasers †Also depend on Disney income stream (don't bolster SunCal) e. Network †The city of Anaheim benefits with Disneyland charge installments (don't bolster SunCal) f. Governments †Same as Community g. Overall population †advantage from Disneyland income (don't bolster SunCal) 4. The representatives clearly reserve the privilege to stop or keep away from working for Disneyland, the clients can decide to not go to the recreation center, the providers truly have no force seeing the Disneyland is no doubt their principle wellspring of income, and the loan bosses can decided to fund somewhere else. 6. The most ideal arrangement would be for SunCal to move their anticipated thought of building the reasonable lodging further away from directly nearby to Disneyland. The representatives would gladly consent to a moderate lodging that is a few miles away than living outside of the city and drive into work. Everybody at that point gets content with the circumstance from this basic arrangement.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How to Use the French Preposition ÃÂ
Instructions to Use the French Preposition Regardless of its little size,  is an enormously significant French relational word and one of the most significant words in the French language. Its implications and uses in French are numerous and changed, however at its most basic,â generallyâ means to, at or in. Compare  to de,â meaning of or from, with which its regularly confounded.  Contractions Whenâ â is followed by theâ definite articlesâ leâ andâ les,â â contractsâ with themas a solitary word. leâ â au (au magasin)  â lesâ auxâ (aux maisons) Butâ â does not contract withâ laâ orâ l.  â laâ â la ( la banque) lâ â l ( lhã'pital) In addition,â â is not contracted withâ leâ andâ lesâ when they areâ direct objects. Basic Uses of 1. Location or goal Jhabite Paris.  I live in Paris.Je vais Rome.  Im going to Rome.Je suis la banque.  Im at the bank. 2. Distance in time or space Jhabite 10 mã ¨tres de lui.  I live 10 meters from him.Il est 5 minutes de moi.  He is a little ways from me. 3. Point in time Nous arrivons 5h00.  We show up at 5:00.Il est mort 92 ans.  He passed on at 92 years old. 4. Manner, style, or trademark Il habite la franà §aise.  He lives in the French style.un enfant aux yeux bleusâ â blue-looked at youngster; kid with blue eyesfait la mainâ â made by handaller piedâ â to go on/by foot 5. Ownership un ami moiâ â a companion of mineCe livre est Jean  This is Jeans book 6. Measurement acheter au kiloâ â to purchase by the kilogrampayer la semaineâ â to pay continuously 7. Reason or use une tasse th㠩â â teacup; cup for teaun sac dosâ â backpack; pack for the back 8. In the inactive infinitive louerâ â for rentJe nai rien lire.  I have nothing to peruse.   9. With Certain Verbs, Phrases Followed by an Infinitive The French relational word is required after specific action words and expressions when they are trailed by an infinitive. The English interpretation may take an infinitive (to figure out how to accomplish something) or an ing word (to quit eating).   aider  â to help to  â â samuser  â to divert oneself ___-ingâ â â apprendre  â to figure out how toâ â â sapprã ªter  â to prepare toâ â â arriver  â to oversee/prevail in ___-ingâ â â sattendre  â to expect toâ â â sautoriser  â to approve/permit toâ â â avoir  â to need to/be obliged toâ â â chercher  â to endeavor toâ â â commencer  â to start to/___-ingâ â â consentir  â to assent toâ â â continuer  â to keep on/___-ingâ â â dã ©cider (quelquun)  â to convince (somebody) toâ â â se dã ©cider  â to make up ones psyche toâ â â encourager  â to urge to  â â sengager  â to get around toâ â â enseigner  â to instruct toâ â â shabituer  â to get utilized toâ â â hã ©siter  â to waver toâ â â sintã ©resser  â to be intrigued inâ â â inviter (quelquun)  â to welcome (somebody) toâ â â se mettre  â to start, set about ___-ingâ â â obliger  â to oblige toâ â â parvenir  â to prevail in ___-ingâ â â passer du temps  â â to invest energy ___-ingâ â â perdre du temps  â to sit around idly ___-ingâ â â persister  â to continue in ___-ing   se plaire  â to enjoy ___-ing  â â pousser (quelquun)  â to ask/push (somebody) to  â â se prã ©parer  â to set oneself up to  â â recommencer  â to start ___-ing againâ â â rã ©flã ©chir  â to consider ___-ing  â â renoncer  â to surrender ___-ing  â â rã ©sister  â to oppose ___-ingâ â â rã ©ussir  â to prevail in ___-ingâ â â rã ªver  â to dream of ___-ingâ â â servir  â to serve toâ â â songer  â to dream of ___-ingâ â â tarder  â to delay/be late in ___-ing  â â tenir  â to hold (somebody) to/demand ___-ingâ â â venir  â to happen to 10. With Verbs That Need an Indirect Objectâ The French relational word is required after many French action words and expressions that need an aberrant article, however there is frequently no identical relational word in English.  â â   acheter  â to purchase from  â â arracher  â â to get, tear away fromâ â â assister (la rã ©union)â â to join in (the gathering)  â â conseiller  â to exhort  â â convenir (quelquun)/la situationâ â to please; to be appropriate for somebody/the situationâ â â croire  â to accept somethingâ â â demander (quelque picked) (quelquun)â â to ask somebody (something)â â â dã ©fendre  â to preclude  â â demander (quelquun)â â to ask (somebody) to  â â dã ©plaire  â to disappoint; to be disappointing toâ â â dã ©sobã ©ir  â to ignore  â â dire  â to state; to tellâ â â donner un stylo (quelquun)â â to give (somebody) a penâ â â emprunter un livre (quelquun)â â to get a book from (someone)â â â envoyer (qqch) (quelquun)â â to send (something) to (somebody)  â â ã ªtre  â to have a place toâ â â faire consideration  â to focus toâ â â se fier (quelquun)â â to trust (someone)â à ¢ â goã »ter (quelque chose)â â to taste (something)â â â shabituer  â to get utilized toâ â â interdire (quelque picked) quelquunâ â to prohibit somebody (something)â â â sintã ©resser  â to be keen on  â â jouer  â to play (a game or sport)â â â manquer  â to miss someoneâ â â mã ªler  â to blend with; to join inâ â â nuire  â to harmâ â â obã ©ir  â to obeyâ â â sopposer  â to opposeâ â â ordonner  â to orderâ â â pardonner  â to pardon; to forgiveâ â â parler  â to talk toâ â â penser  â to consider/aboutâ â â permettre  â to permitâ â â plaire  â to please; to be satisfying toâ â â profiter  â to advantage; to be beneficial toâ â â promettre  â to promiseâ â â rã ©flã ©chir  â to consider; to reflect uponâ â â rã ©pondre  â to answerâ â â rã ©sister  â to resistâ â â ressembler  â to take after  â â rã ©ussir lexamenâ to pass the testâ â â serrer la primary (quelquun)â â to warmly greet someoneâ â â servir  â to be utilized for/asâ â â songer  â to dream; to think ofâ â â succã ©der  â to succeed; to followâ â â survivre  â to s urviveâ â â tã ©lã ©phoner  â to callâ â â voler (quelque picked) quelquunâ â to take (something) from somebody Notes Recall that in addition to a lifeless thing can be supplanted by the word intensifying pronoun y. For instance, je my suis habituà ©Ã‚  I became acclimated to it. also an individual can for the most part be supplanted by an aberrant item pronoun that is set before the action word (e.g., Il me parle). Be that as it may, a couple of action words and articulations don't permit a first roundabout item pronoun. Rather, they necessitate that you keep the relational word after the action word and tail it with a focused on pronoun (e.g., Je pense toi). Extra Resources Detached infinitive:â a linguistic structure in which some different option from an action word should be followed byâ â infinitive.
Monday, July 27, 2020
Book Riots Deals of the Day for February 15, 2020
Book Riot’s Deals of the Day for February 15, 2020 Sponsored by Random House. These deals were active as of this writing, but may expire soon, so get them while they’re hot! Todays Featured Deals For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Politics by Donna Brazile, Yolanda Caraway, Minyon Moore, Leah D. Daughtry, Veronica Chambers for $2.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. Paperback Crush: The Totally Radical History of 80s and 90s Teen Fiction bv Gabrielle Moss for $2.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. Alex Eliza by Melissa de la Cruz for $1.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. Dusk or Dark or Dawn or Day by Seanan McGuire for $3.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. In Case You Missed Yesterdays Most Popular Deals Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand for for $2.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. The Cooking Gene by Michael W. Twitty for $1.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. Previous Daily Deals That Are Still Active As Of This Writing (Get em While Theyre Hot!): A Duke by Default by Alyssa Cole for $1.99 Lady Killers by Tori Telfer for $1.99 Symptoms of a Heartbreak by Sona Charaipotra for $2.99 Pride, Prejudice, and Other Flavors by Sonali Dev for $1.99 Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert for $2.99 The Wolf Gift by Anne Rice for $2.99 The Island of Sea Women by Lisa See for $2.99 Mycroft Holmes by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Anna Waterhouse for $1.99 Sometimes I Lie by Alice Feeney for $2.99 When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing by Daniel H. Pink for $1.99 Little by Edward Carey for $1.99 I Am Half-Sick of Shadows by Alan Bradley for $1.99 The Right Swipe by Alisha Rai for $1.99 Jade City by Fonda Lee for $2.99 The Hollow of Fear by Sherry Thomas for $1.99 Her Royal Highness by Rachel Hawkins for $1.99 Invisible by Stephen L. Carter for $3.99 The Vanished Bride by Bella Ellis for $1.99 Truly, Madly, Royally by Debbie Rigaud for $1.99 I’m Judging You by Luvvie Ajayi for $2.99 The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie for $2.99 The Deep by Rivers Solomon, Daveed Diggs, William Hutson, and Jonathan Snipes for $1.99 Half-Blood Blues by Esi Edugyan for $3.99 Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower by Brittney C. Cooper for $3.99 A Girl Like That by Tanaz Bhathena $2.99 The Diviners by Libba Bray for $2.99 Conversations with Myself by Nelson Mandela for $3.99 One Good Earl Deserves a Lover by Sarah McLean for $3.99 I Love You So Mochi by Sarah Kuhn for $1.99 Bring Up the Bodies by Hilary Mantel for $3.99 Tangerine by Christine Mangan for $2.99 Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan for $2.99 No One Is Coming to Save Us by Stephanie Powell Watts for $2.99 Monsoon Mansion by Cinelle Barnes for $0.99 The Sellout by Paul Beatty for $3.99 I Am, I Am, I Am: Seventeen Brushes With Death by Maggie OFarrell for $4.99 The Burning Chambers by Kate Mosse for $2.99 Feel Free by Zadie Smith for $3.99 The Epic Crush of Genie Lo by F.C. Lee for $1.99 Burn Baby Burn by Meg Medina for $1.99 That Kind of Guy by Talia Hibbert for $3.99 The Awakened Kingdom by N.K. Jemisin for $2.99 Odd and the Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman for $3.99 Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Cordova for $4.09 Once Ghosted, Twice Shy by Alyssa Cole for $1.99 Everythings Trash, But Its Okay by Phoebe Robinson for $4.99 Tiny Pretty Things by Sona Charaipotra and Dhonielle Clayton for $4.99 Nefertiti by Michelle Moran for $3.99 Instant Pot Obsession: The Ultimate Electric Pressure Cooker Cookbook for Cooking Everything Fast by Janet A. Zimmerman for $2.99 A Quiet Life in the Country by T E Kinsey for $1.99 The Duchess War by Courtney Milan for $4.99 Mangos and Mistletoe: A Foodie Holiday Novella by Adriana Herrera for $2.99 Guapa by Saleem Haddad for $1.99 The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep by H. G. Parry for $4.99 Empire of Sand by Tasha Suri for $4.99 Fatality in F (A Gethsemane Brown Mystery Book 4) by Alexia Gordon for $4.99 Reckless by Selena Montgomery for $3.99 Cant Escape Love by Alyssa Cole for $1.99 Brown Girl in the Ring by Nalo Hopkinson for $5.99 Ark by Veronica Roth for $1.99 Ten Women by Marcela Serrano for $3.99 The Price of Salt by Patricia Highsmith for $0.99 Ormeshadow by Priya Sharma for $3.99 Sisters of the Vast Black by Lina Rather for $3.99 Prophecy by Ellen Oh for $2.99 Along for the Ride by Mimi Grace for $2.99 Sign up for our Book Deals newsletter and get up to 80% off books you actually want to read.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Racial Segregation And Racial Discrimination - 1645 Words
Race has been a major line of American society since the colonies century playing a powerful role in the political system throughout United States government. The terminology race has been changed repeatedly throughout history. African American history of racial segregation created a clear view of how most racial minorities have been treated throughout history and views and differences amount racial majority. This paper primarily focus will be the treatment or experience racial minority faced throughout this historical revolution. African American are not the only racial minority who has been treated inequality or racial oppression, Chinese American and Native American but African American illustrates a direct view of racial inequality throughout history which is the reasons why this paper focuses on African American racial inequality. During the 1700s, African who was shipped to American were slaves. Slaves were served to white American to work on rice and sugar plantation. African were primarily located in the south, having to deal with the racial segregation of the southern state, passing law to separate people based on color. As Senator Barack Obama said, â€Å"In the late fifties and early sixties, a time when segregation was still the law of the land and opportunity was systematically constricted†(Obama, 2008). As a matter of fact, the term slavery was never discussed until 1808, It were doubtless to be wished, that the power of prohibiting the importation ofShow MoreRelatedRacial Segregation And Discrimination Of African Americans1501 Words  | 7 Pagesphysical composition. Although great strides have been made to enact laws that contest racial discrimination, there has been little progress for the discriminating factor immigrant. Events like the 1960 s which focused to end the racial segregation and discrimination of African Americans and enacted a legal precedence affirming legal protection of the each and every citizen regardless of color . While racial discrimination continues to divide us it has cleverly developed a new direction â€â€the immigrantRead MoreThe Transition From Racial Segregation And Discrimination939 Words  | 4 Pagesviolence - through income inequality, exploitation and oppression. Governments need to carefully plan out economic policies to avoid a â€Å"second conflict†. This paper will examine South Africa as a case study to look at the transition from racial segregation and discrimination to economic isolation and marginalization. Actors that shape and influence this transitory phase include the World Bank, the IMF, local politicians, foreign investors and of course, the people. In post-conflict countries, the processRead MoreRacial Segregation And Racial Discrimination During The 1960 S1421 Words  | 6 Pagesto find better economic opportunities. Yet, when we have found them, instead of helping one another, we turned against each other. We were all humans until race disconnected us, religion divided us, gender separated us and wealth classifying us. Racial differences in America is more prominent now than ever. In fact, it would seem as if we are repeating history. During the 1960’s, there was the constant fight between police officers and African-Americans. However, now the conflict is not only betweenRead MoreEffects Of Racial Discrimination On The Civil Rights Movement1403 Words  | 6 Pagessignificance of Presidents in reducing racial discrimination during 1860-1970 we must first look at the impact each President had on the civil rights which will be measured by how they reduced racism through reports and legislation aiming towards African Americans (AA). Presidents were crucial in reducing racial discrimination because without the influence of national leaders it is impossible to understand how AA achieved integration and racial equality. Racial discrimination can be defined as being treatedRead More21st Century Segregation: Are We Still Divided by Race?1642 Words  | 7 Pages21st Century Segregation: Are We Still Divided by Race? Racial segregation was a concept that began in early history and is still prevalent in some societies today. It is often seen as a destructive forceful tactic of separating individuals based on their racial background. However, many new immigrants voluntarily choose to live in a segregated society. Segregation can be easily seen in certain communities where there is a concentration containing a particular racial group. The area where oneRead MoreBrown V. Board Of Education Of Kansas1160 Words  | 5 PagesIn 1954 the Supreme Court saw a case called Brown v. Board of Education of Kansas. This case was about segregation of public schools but before this was to be found unconstitutional, the school system in Kansas and all over the United States had segregated schools. For example, Topeka Kansas had 18 neighborhood schools for white children, but only 4 schools for African American children. (Brown v. Board of Education) Many people believe that the problem is no longer existent; however, many presentRead MoreThe Downfall Of The Black Experience1559 Words  | 7 Pagesconstraints that African Americans have faces in America. African Americans have suffered oppression through social institution through factors such as Segregation, Racial Crimination, and Mass incarnation. The constraint of segregation was a way of social, political, and economical control over African Americans. African Americans are usually a racial group that is associate with crime. Research and statistics has shown that African Americans are those that are majority incarnated in the United statesRead MoreThe Civil Disobedience Of African Americans1369 Words  | 6 Pagesslavery were finally broken, but the chain of discrimination still existed. Under racial segregation, colored people were not allowed to share public facilities and activities with white people. The Civil Rights Movement was then established with its goal to clear any segregation and discrimination against African Americans. In today’s society, discrimination has been banned, but a degree of segregation still exists in our community such as schools. Segregation has not yet ending. The civil disobedienceRead MoreHow Does Racial Worldview Affect Our Understanding Of The World?1248 Words  | 5 PagesResearch Paper Final Draft Name: Abdullah Mohammad Naseer-213152275 Section: UNI 123 (04D) Teacher: Aylin Yurdacan Date: 21.08.2015 Question: The author writes that the modern age has been defined by the â€Å"racial worldview†in what ways does racial worldview affect our understanding of the world? What negative consequences may it lead to in daily life? The idea of race has not been emphasized until our modern time. The term came to common use in the 18th century. Despite multiple technical definitionsRead MoreEssay about Eduardo Bonilla-Silvas Book, Racism Without Racists1653 Words  | 7 Pagesbeen an issue in North America for many years. Eduardo Bonilla-Silva discusses the new racism in his book, Racism without Racists. Bonilla-Silva classifies the new racial discrimination as color blind racism. Color blind racism is then structured under four frames (26). Color blind racism is believed to have lead to the segregation of the white race from other minorities called white habitus. Color blind racism and white habitus has affected many people, whom don’t even realize that they are,
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Enron Questionable Accounting History - 1364 Words
Enron: Questionable Accounting Leads to Collapse Enron, a provider of natural gas, electricity, and communications began when two large gas pipeline companies merged together in 1985. CEO Jeffrey Skilling, CFO Andrew Fastow, and Chairman Ken Lay worked diligently throughout the 1990s to build the company to be the largest most successful of its time. Having its name in Wall Street was becoming a norm for the company as it grew beyond all hopes and expectations. The company had become unstoppable as shares increased and partnerships became stronger. Believing so much in the company Business Ethics states, â€Å"Jeffrey Skilling went so far as to tell utility executives at a conference he was going to â€Å"eat their lunch†(Farrell, Fraedrich,†¦show more content†¦Business Insider states,†After his Enron retirement became worthless, Maddox and his wife Phyllis had to lease their suburban Houston home and move to an old family farmhouse in the East Texas town of Van. They also went back to work. Phyllis Maddox, a retired teacher, became a substitute teacher while her husband mowed lawns and pastures.†The reality that came soon after the company collapsed was not only felt by shareholders but by hardworking Americans as well. The loss of retirement funds set many individuals back and left them with literally nothing in return for so many prior years of hard work. Ways Enron’s bankers, auditors, and attorneys contributed to Enron’s demise. The Economist states, â€Å"In America, well-policed stock markets, fearsome regulators at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), stern accounting standards in the form of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), and the perceived audit skills of the big five accounting firms, have long been seen as crucial to the biggest, most liquid and most admired capital markets in the world.†The controversial subject of who is to blame for Enron’s fraud able to stay hidden for such an extended amount of time is distributed among three top employees mentioned along with other close working individuals from other companies. The ways auditors, attorneys, and bankers contributed is by their lack of concern and ability to convince themselves the fraud was truly not happening among one ofShow MoreRelatedEnron And Its Impact On Corporate Business Practices1124 Words  | 5 PagesEnron Enron is a company infamous for one of the largest scandals in American corporate history. Over twenty thousand employees and thousands of outside investors had billions of dollars worth of shares in the company that positioned the company to be valuated at about 70 billion dollars with shares trading at about 90 dollars a share in 2001. However, from August to November 2001 Enron s stock value dropped to $0.26, and those who had invested in Enron lost billions of dollars within a coupleRead MoreThe Rise and Fall of Enron1532 Words  | 6 PagesMost of the world has heard of Enron, the American, mega-energy company that â€Å"cooked their books†( ) and cost their investors billions of dollars in lost earnings and retirement funds. While much of the controversy surrounding the Enron scandal focused on the losses of investors, unethical practices of executives and questionable accounting tactics, there were many others within close proximity to the turmoil. It begs the question- who was really at fault and what has been done to prevent it fromRead MoreEssay about Enron: Who was at fault?1664 Words  | 7 PagesMost of the world has heard of Enron, the American, mega-energy company that â€Å"cooked†their books (Gupta, Weirich Turner, 2013) and cost their investors billions of dollars in lost earnings and retirement funds. While much of the controversy surrounding the Enron scandal focused on the l osses of investors, unethical practices of executives and questionable accounting tactics, there were many others within close proximity to the turmoil. It begs the question- who was really at fault and what hasRead MoreThe Rise And Fall Of Enron1008 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Enron began as an energy company in 1985. After the deregulation of oil and gas in the U.S., Enron lost its’ exclusive rights to natural gas pipelines. The CEO, Kenneth Lay then hired a consulting firm to reinvent the company in order to make up lost profits. He hired Jeffery Skilling, who was in banking, specifically; asset and liability management. Under the topic â€Å"The Beginning Presages the End†, C. William Thomas (2002) writes: â€Å"Thanks to the young consultant, the company createdRead MoreThe Smartest Guys Of The Room, Or The Most Unethical?1723 Words  | 7 Pagesscandals from ethical misconduct within Enron, the proper course of action was once questionable, but now revealed. Nevertheless, organizations continue to struggle with moral decision-making on a daily basis as they consider the cost of making such decisions. Throughout this paper, I will discuss the key components of the ethical decision making process, the connection between Enron, an d personal experience of making ethical decisions from employment history. Ethics are extremely importantRead MoreEssay on Analysis of the Enron/Arthur Anderson Scandal1558 Words  | 7 PagesEnron and Arthur Anderson were both giants in their own industry. Enron, a Texas based company in the energy trading business, was expanding rapidly in both domestic and global markets. Arthur Anderson, LLC. (Anderson), based out of Chicago, was well established as one of the big five accounting firms. But the means by which they achieved this status became questionable and eventually contributed to their demise. Enron used what if often referred to as â€Å"creative†accounting methods, this resultedRead MoreNorthern Natural Gas Company Management1225 Words  | 5 Pages Enron Corporation was once known as Northern Natural Gas Company, Founded in 1932 in Omaha, Nebraska as a provider of natural gas. Through its early stages, Northern Natural Gas Company was unsuccessful in their business venture. They experienced problems in persuading consumers to use natural gas to heat their homes because of fear that natural gas leaks lead to explosions. Thanks to the great depression, many people were taking the risk because of how relatively cheap natural gas was. As theRead MoreEnron Corporation: An Electivity and Natural Gas Company1621 Words  | 7 PagesEnron Corporation was formed in 1985 when Houston Natural Gas merged with InterNorth to create an electricity and natural gas company that would eventually become Enron. After Houston Natural Gas merged with InterNorth, the former chairman of Houston Natural Gas, Kenneth Lay, was appointed as CEO of Enron. The Chief Executive Officer of Enron, Kenneth Lay’s ultimate goal was to make Enron â€Å"the world’s greatest company,†but unfortunately he failed to achieve his goal. During the 1990s, Enron wasRead MoreThe Ethics Of Enron Oxley Act1309 Words  | 6 PagesThe Houston based c orporation of Enron was once considered a top company, until its demise from a complex accounting scheme. The company that was forced to declare bankruptcy and lay off many employees; also resulted in thousands of others losing a significant portion of their retirement funds that were invested in the company’s stock (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2013). Additionally, the perceived scandal propagated concern of accounting practices of corporations and initiated new reporting practicesRead MoreOrganizational Culture, Management Philosophy And Ethics999 Words  | 4 Pagesorganization; from operations, marketing, and, accounting. No matter the size, industry or level of profitability of an organization, business ethics are one of the most important aspects of long-term success. According to Webster’s dictionary, ethics can be defined as the â€Å"rules of behavior based on ideas about what is morally good and bad†these rules influence every aspect of our societ y (Investopedia, N.D.) (Webster’s, N.D.). While sometimes overlooked, accounting plays a large role in many organizations
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Gsm Call Flow Free Essays
GSM Call Flow (GSM Originating Call) Cell Mobile Station User Mobile Mobile Network Base Stations NSS BSS MSC VLR Fixed Network PSTN PSTN EventStudio System Designer 4. 0 13-Sep-08 21:38 (Page 1) LEG: GSM Mobile Originated Call This sequence diagram was generated with EventStudio System Designer 4. 0 (http://www. We will write a custom essay sample on Gsm Call Flow or any similar topic only for you Order Now EventHelix. com/EventStudio). Copyright  © 2008 EventHelix. com Inc. All Rights Reserved. The EventStudio source files for this document can be downloaded from http://www. eventhelix. com/call-flow/gsm-call-setup. zip. This scenario describes the call setup for a GSM originating call. A mobile user calling a land line subscriber is covered here. Copyright  © 2000-2008 EventHelix. com Inc. All Rights Reserved. The user keys in the phone number for the landline subscriber and .. .. presses the Send button Dial the called person’s number Send Button Begin RR Connection Establishment Call related information needs to be transported from the mobile phone to the Mobile Switching Center (MSC). This requires the establishment of a Radio Resource (RR) connection to MSC. The first phase of the call setup just sets up this RR connection. RR CHANNEL REQUEST RACH RR connection establishment is triggered by sending the Channel Request message. This message requests the Base Station System (BSS) for allocation for radio resources for the RR connection setup. The mobile now waits for an assignment on the Access Grant Channel (AGCH). At this point the mobile is listening to the AGCH for a reply. Note: The RR CHANNEL REQUEST is sent on a Random Access Channel (RACH). This is a slotted aloha channel that can be used at random, without any coordination between the mobiles. Any mobile can transmit on this channel whenever it wishes. If two mobiles transmit on the channel at the same time, their messages will be lost in a collision. The mobiles will detect the collision via a timeout and retransmit the message after a random back off. allocate TCH RR IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT AGCH, Radio_Resource = (TCH, Frequency, Timeslot), Time Correction, Frequency Correction Apply the time and frequency corrections Tune to the frequency and timeslot RR SABM + MM CM SERVICE REQUEST TCH, SAPI = 0 The BSS allocates a Traffic Channel (TCH) to the mobile. The TCH allocation assigns a specifies a frequency and a timeslot on that frequency. After the mobile receives this message, the mobile shall only use the specified resources for communication with the mobile network. The BSS transmits the radio resource assignment to the Mobile via the AGCH channel. The message also contains the time and frequency corrections. The time corrections allow the mobile to time it’s transmissions so that they reach the BSS only in the specified slot. The frequency corrections correct for the Doppler shift caused by the mobile’s motion. Adjust the frequency and timing based on the advice from the BSS. This step is required so that transmissions from the mobile reach the base station at the precise time and with the correct frequency. The mobile detunes from the AGCH and tunes to the specified radio channel. This is the first message that is sent after tuning to the channel. The Mobile initiates a LAPm connection with the BSC by sending a Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode (SABM) message. The service request message meant for the MSC is also sent in this message. GSM Call Flow (GSM Originating Call) Cell Mobile Network Mobile Station Base Stations NSS User Mobile BSS MSC VLR RR UA Fixed Network PSTN PSTN TCH, SAPI = 0 SCCP CONNECTION REQUEST + MM CM SERVICE REQUEST SS7 Check subscriber authentication EventStudio System Designer 4. 0 13-Sep-08 21:38 (Page 2) The BSS replies with Unnumbered Acknowledge (UA) to complete the LAPm setup handshake The BSS receives the CM Service Request message from the mobile and forms a â€Å"BSSMAP COMPLETE LAYER 3 INFORMATION†. The BSS then piggy backs the message on the SCCP connection request message. LEG: Skip Authentication Procedure MSC checks if the subscriber has been authenticated. In this case, the subscriber has already been authenticated, so the authentication procedure is skipped. Enable Ciphering BSSMAP CIPHER MODE COMMAND Expect ciphered data from the mobile RR CIPHERING MODE COMMAND mode = CLEAR Enable ciphering for received and transmitted data RR CIPHERING MODE COMPLETE mode = CIPHERED Enable ciphering of data transmitted to the mobile BSSMAP CIPHER MODE COMPLETE Since the subscriber has been successfully authenticated, the MSC initiates ciphering of the data being sent on the channel. The channel is ciphered so as so protect the call from eavesdropping. Ciphering on the radio link is enabled in three steps. As a first step, the BSS starts expecting ciphered data from the mobile but continues to send data in clear. Since the mobile has not been informed about the ciphering, all data received from the mobile will be in error. The BSS sends the CIPHERING MODE COMMAND to the mobile. The mobile ill be able to receive this message as the transmission from the BSS is still in clear. As a second step, the Mobile receives the message and enables ciphering in transmit and receive directions. This action will result in all BSS data being received in error. (The BSS is still transmitting data in clear. ) Ciphering has already been enabled, so this message is transmitted with ciphering. The BSS will receive this message as it is already expecting ciphered data in the receive direction. The third and final step in the ciphering handshake. The BSS enables the ciphering in transmit direction. From this oint on ciphering is enabled in both directions. BSS replies back to the MSC, indicating that ciphering has been successfully enabled. RR Connection Establishment Completed At this point a connection has been setup between the Mobile and the MSC. From this point onward, the BSS is just acting as a conduit for transporting the signaling messages between the Mobile and the MSC. Call Setup CC SETUP Dialed Digits The Mobile sends the setup message to establish a voice call. The message contains the dialed digits and other information needed for call GSM Call Flow (GSM Originating Call) Cell Mobile Station User Mobile Mobile Network Base Stations NSS BSS MSC VLR Fixed Network PSTN PSTN EventStudio System Designer 4. 0 13-Sep-08 21:38 (Page 3) establishment. The mobile is informed that the call setup is in progress. At this point, the mobile phone displays a message on the screen to indicate that call setup is being attempted. CC CALL PROCEEDING Connecting†¦ Mode Modify allocate Voice circuit towards BSS BSSMAP ASSIGNMENT REQUEST Voice circuit RR CHANNEL MODE MODIFY RR CHANNEL MODE MODIFY ACKNOWLEDGE BSSMAP ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE The BSS responds back to the MSC. ISUP INITIAL ADDRESS MESSAGE SS7, Dialed Digits CC ALERTING The MSC allocates a voice circuit on one the digital trunks between the MSC and the BSS. MSC informs the BSS about the allocated voice circuit. The call is also switched from signaling to voice. The BSS notifies the Mobile about the changeover to voice mode. Mobile acknowledges. The MSC routes the call and sends the call towards the called subscriber ISUP ADDRESS COMPLETE MESSAGE The PSTN indicates to the MSC that it has received all the digits and the called SS7 subscriber is being rung. The MSC informs the mobile that the called subscriber is being alerted via a ring Alerting Tone ISUP ANSWER The called subscriber answers the call. SS7 CC CONNECT The MSC informs the mobile that the call has been answered. Acknowledge the recipt of CC CONNECT. CC CONNECT ACKNOWLEDGE Connected Display that the call has been connected. Conversation Speech The call has entered the conversation phase. The speech path has been setup between the mobile subscriber and the land-line subscriber. Call Release End Button CC DISCONNECT ISUP RELEASE SS7 Disconnect Voice Path LEG: Mobile initiates call release The mobile subscriber hits End to clear the call. The mobile sends the disconnect message to the MSC. The MSC initiates release on the PSTN ide. The MSC disconnects the voice path and also releases the voice circuit between the BSS and the MSC. free Voice circuit towards BSS CC RELEASE The MSC informs the Mobile that it has initiated call release GSM Call Flow (GSM Originating Call) Cell Mobile Station User Mobile Mobile Network Fixed Network Base Stations NSS PSTN BSS MSC VLR PSTN ISUP RELEASED S S7 ISUP RELEASE COMPLETE SS7 CC RELEASE COMPLETE EventStudio System Designer 4. 0 13-Sep-08 21:38 (Page 4) The MSC informs the PSTN that the call release has been completed. The PSTN informs that call release has been completed at its end. Mobile indicates that the call has been released. RR Connection Release BSSMAP CLEAR COMMAND RR CHANNEL RELEASE BSSMAP CLEAR COMPLETE RR DISC RR UA free TCH Call Released Indication Call release has been completed, now the RR connection is released by the MSC. The BSS initiates RR release with the mobile. The BSS informs the the MSC that the RR connection has been released. The mobile sends a disconnect message to release the LAPm connection. The BSS replies with an Unnumbered Acknowledge message. The BSS releases the TCH channel. Mobile goes back to the default display to indicate that call has been completely released. How to cite Gsm Call Flow, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Young Person Development free essay sample
AgePhysical developmentCommunication and intellectual developmentSocial, emotional and Behavioural development Birth to 3 monthsLooks at hands. Plays with fingers. Clasps hands. Holds a rattle. Lifts head and chest up. Brings hands together over body. Waves arms. Can lift head and turn when on front. Cries when basic needs require attention. Vocalises when spoken to and when alone. Watches primary carers face. Coos and smiles. Enjoys cuddles and being handled. 3 to 6 monthsReaches for a toys. Moves a toy from one hand to another. Put objects into mouth. Waves arms to show that they wish to be lifted. Rolls onto front. Uses arms for support when lying on stomach. Sits with support. Is starting to eat and sleep more regularly. Gets first teeth. Can take solid foods from around six months. Babies try to communicate making eye contact and babbling. They may imitate sounds or repeat them. Watches adults closely. Explore using their mouths. Explore using touch. We will write a custom essay sample on Young Person Development or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Play alone with toys such as rattles. Makes singsong vowel sounds e. g. ‘aah-aah’, ‘goo’. Laughs and squeals during play. Responds differently to different tones of voice. Laughs. Enjoys being played with. Uses comfort object e. g. a blanket. Seeks attention. 6 to 9 monthsGrasps using index finger and thumb. Can sit up unsupported. Deliberately drops objects. Starts to be mobile e. g. rolling, crawling.. Reaches out for toys when sitting. Watching and copying what adults do. Repeating movements such as dropping toys. Enjoy simple games such as peek-a-boo. Explore toys and objects alone. Shouts for attention. Babbles loudly. Uses double syllables such as ‘’Da-da’’. Imitate adult vocal sounds such as coughing. Understands ‘’no’’ and ‘’bye’’. Responds when he/she hears name. Fear of strangers. Enjoys games such as peek-a-boo. Can discriminate between familiar people and strangers. 9 to 12 monthsUse pincer grasp (index finger and thumb) to pick up objects. Stands alone briefly. Points using index finger. Walks holding onto furniture. Enjoys self-feeding and holds cup with help. Starts showing hand preference. Repeat actions that they have enjoyed. Knows own name. Understands around 20 words in concept. Understands simple messages such as ‘’where are your shoes? ’ Likes being read to. Affectionate towards own family and primary carers. May become unhappy at changes in routine. Expresses anger at being told ‘’no’’. 12 to 18 monthsUses a spoon to eat. Walks unaided. Scribbles. Begins to build using bricks. Squats to pick up objects. Climbs onto objects. Pushes and pulls toys when walking. Tries to kick a ball, rolls and throws a ball. May assist with dressing and undressing. Holds crayons in a tripod grasp. Can turn handles. Learn through trial and error. Beginning to play with adults. Playing and ‘talking’ alone. First words. Echoes prominent and last words in sentences. May try to join in with songs and nursery rhymes. Responds to simple instructions such as ‘’shut the door’’. Enjoys picture books and will point to a named object. Points to parts of the body. Begin to communicate using words. Language begins to increase. Has a stronger feeling of being an individual. Points to objects to show a familiar adult. Shows some independence in exploring environment but still needs a familiar adult. Repeats actions to gain attention. No understanding that objects may belong to others. 18 months to 2 yearsUses a spoon effectively to eat. Climbs onto furniture. Runs. Can use sit-and-ride toys. Walks up and down stairs with both feet on one step. Imitate other children and adults. Carrying out repetitive actions e. g. putting things in and out of boxes. Watching other children but not joining in. Enjoy playing with adults. Uses two words linked together. Uses more than 200 words by two years old. Makes simple two word sentences. Refers to own name, talk to self during play. Uses key essential words but misses out connecting words (telegraphic speech). Develops an awareness of number names through rhymes and songs that relate to numbers. May say some counting words randomly. Attempt, sometimes successfully, to fit shapes into spaces such as jigsaw puzzles. Can use blocks to create simple structures. Enjoys filling and emptying containers. Parallel play (plays near other children). Begins to talk while playing (pretend play). Will imitate adults actions. Strong emotions such as fear, joy and anger are shown. Imitates adults in simple tasks. May alternate between independence and clingy behaviour. Enjoys other children’s company but still reluctant to share. 2 years to 2 ? years May have established a hand preference (right-handed/ left handed). Can kick a large ball. Can do simple jigsaw puzzles. Begins to ride tricycles. May move out of nappies and begin toilet training. Show some reasoning skills. Begin to ask questions such as ‘’why? ’’. Play imaginatively such as role playing. Notices simple shapes. May move out of nappies and begin toilet training. Start taking interest in other children. Begin playing with other children. Start to wait for their own needs to be met. May have tantrums and become easily frustrated. May dislike adult attention being shown to other children. Finds sharing difficult. Be happy leaving primary carer for short periods of time. 2 ? years to 3 yearsTurn pages in a book one by one. Pedals and steers a tricycle. Washes hands with help. Runs forwards and backwards. Can hold a crayon. May be able to draw a face. Can throw large balls. Walk upstairs on alternate feet and walk on tiptoe. Can kick a ball with some skill. Jumps from low steps. Can concentrate for longer at activities which interest them. Begin recognising shapes and letters. Can solve puzzles through reasoning and trial and error. Play co-operatively with other children and can take turns. Expanding vocabulary. Use of plurals. Can hold a simple conversation. Enjoys repetition of favourite stories and songs. Can count to ten. Knows most primary colours. Use some number language such as ‘’more’’ and ‘’a lot’’. May be able to recite some number names in sequence. Begin to make comparisons between quantities. Begin to categorize objects according to properties such as size and shape. Beginning to understand variations in size. Have a sense of identity including gender and age. Show concern for other children. Tries to be independent. Less anxious about separation. 3 years to 4 yearsCan button and unbutton clothing. Walks in a line. Can cut out a simple shape. Can aim and throw a ball. Can draw a person with head, body and legs. Can hop on one foot. Can brush own teeth. Use reasoning based on their own experiences. Begin to use and understand symbols such as writing and beginning to read. Start to understand simple rules in games. Play co-operatively and take turns. Talk clearly so anyone can understand them. Asks many questions: who? What? Where? When? And why? Knows body parts. Know simple animal names and sounds. Can question why things happen and give explanations. Sometimes matches number and quantity correctly. Are beginning to understand ‘’bigger than’’ and ‘’enough’’. Uses shapes appropriately for tasks. Begins to talk about the shapes of objects. Begin to make friends. Show social skills, for example turn taking, sharing and oncern for others. Be affectionate towards others such as family and friends. Want to help and please familiar adults. During play children may imitate actions seen in their own experience e. g. put teddy to bed. Share toys. Play with other children. Show care and concern for others e. g. hugging a crying child. Follows rules by imitating other children e. g. washing hands before a meal. Able to communicate own wants and needs. Enjoys being with other children. Enjoy helping adults. Use the toilet independently. Can tell the difference between boys and girls and use language such as ‘her’ and ;him’ correctly. May test rules. Show increasing confidence in selecting and carrying out activities. Begin to talk more about their home and community. 4 years to 5 yearsCan form letters when writing. Can skip with a rope. Colours in pictures. Runs very quickly and is able to manoeuvre around and avoid obstacles. Can complete a 20 piece puzzle. Can throw a large ball to a partner and is able to catch it. Easily dresses and undresses. Hit’s a ball with a racket or bat. Has a finer control of blocks, construction toys and puzzles. Enjoy table top games. Can count up to 20. Ability to write developing, is able to write some words/letters and copy others. May read simple words and books. Can predict next events. Knows half and whole. Can consistently develop a story, explanation or line of questioning. Begin to represent numbers using fingers and marks on paper etc. May be able to select the right numeral to represent numbers 1 to 9. May talk about how shapes are similar/different. Begin to use mathematical names for ‘solid’ 3d shapes and ‘flat’ 2d shapes. Order objects according to height, weight or length. Use language such as ‘greater’ ‘smaller’ ‘heavier’ etc. Talk about, recognise and recreate simple patterns. Gain increased confidence. Express themselves. Feel proud of own achievements. Children begin to make close friendships. Plays with other children without guidance from adults. Is able to communicate feelings. Understand the need for rules. Develops fears of fictional things such as ghosts. Develop a respect for their own and others beliefs and cultures. Enjoys joining in with family customs. Understand hat people have different needs, cultures and beliefs that need to be respected. Understand that they can expect others to treat their culture and beliefs with respect. 5 years to 8 yearsIs able to join handwriting. Has confidence when hopping, skipping and jumping. Accurately cuts out shapes. Can balance on a beam. Can produce detailed drawings. Dodges and chases others. Can tie and untie shoe laces. Can use a bicycle and other wheeled toys such as roller-skates. Understand the need for rules and enjoy using them. Show increased reasoning skills but still using some trial and error. Play co-operatively in groups. Speech is fluent. Uses descriptive language. Can give full name, age, birthday and address. Enjoys singing, jokes, rhymes and stories. Recognises a new word and asks the meaning of them. Can accurately copy accents heard. Can count up to one hundred. Understands the use of symbols in writing and maths. Are able to engage in verbal arguments, persuasion and negotiation. May read books to themselves silently. Gain a sense of justice and fairness which means sharing is more frequent and easier. Become more self aware and may be critical of their own efforts. Begin to be influenced by people who are not family members. Having friends becomes more important to the child. Children start to compare themselves to their peers. Have strong friendships. May argue back. Copies behaviour from other children possibly swearing or spitting. Understands the difference between right and wrong. Has increased self-care skills e. g. getting dressed, toileting independently. Enjoy competitive games but may not always cope well with losing. Tend to play more with children of their own sex. Make up their own games which tend to have rules. 8 years to 12 yearsIncreased fine motor skills allowing for more intricate work such as making models, typing, threading and knitting. Less concentration is needed allowing children to talk as they use their hands. Coordination and perceptual skills are increased allowing children to concentrate on strategies during games such as football. Solve problems using reasoning and logic. Show imagination and creativity in activities such as role play, writing and drawing. Begin to use information in one situation and transfer it to another. Most children are fluent speakers, readers and writers of own language. Increasing preferences for subjects. Children become more aware of what others think of them. Children begin to compare themselves with others. Children usually have an established group of friends usually mainly of the same gender as themselves. Some children may be keen to show appropriate behaviour, other children may have learned that they can gain attention from others through inappropriate behaviour. Enjoy responsibility. May have a keen interest in hobbies. Can tell you what they are good at. Enjoys learning about different people and places. Enjoys group projects. Are likely to argue with parents/carers as young people start to become independent. 12 years to 16 years Hardening of the bones in hands and wrists is complete allowing for increased strength in hands enabling movements such as twisting lids off jars. Lungs and heart develop allowing for an increased stamina allowing young people to be able to walk for longer distances and to take part in more energetic sports. Girls bodies will start to show signs of puberty. Outward signs that a girl’s body is maturing includes developing breasts and widening of the hips. Most girls will begin to menstruate (start having their periods) between the ages of 12 and 15 years, although this may vary. For boys, puberty may begin around 12 or 13 years and for most will end at about 17 years, although many boys will continue to grow until they are 18 years old. Outward signs that boys are going through puberty include a sudden growth in height, the voice becoming deeper and facial hair growth. At the end of this process, most boys will be stronger than girls because the ratio of fat to muscles is higher in girls than in boys. On average, boys will also be taller. Brains developing with increase in reaction times and co-ordination. Can read and write confidently. Skilled at transferring information from one situation to another. May be competent in using abstract information, e. g. chemistry, maths. Questions sources of information such as parents, teachers, books etc. Growing awareness of important issues such as poverty and politics. Developing the ability to think abstractly. They can think bout things that can’t be seen such as spiritual ideas and things like love, respect and justice. High levels of skill (such as computing). Brains developing which increases reaction times and co-ordination. Tend to have strong friendships and form groups. Time spent with friends increases. May become more independent from family. Hormones may be affecting young people of this ages moods and emotions. Young people will be making a transition between dependence on family to independence. Develop own identity and tastes in things such as music, fashion etc. Body changes can upset self esteem. Peer pressure can be a significant influence. They want to be like their friends, to be normal. They fear being different. They enjoy being with friends, and they like one-on-one time with adults. They begin to doubt their parents’ beliefs. May rebel against rules. They may try alcohol, drugs or tobacco. Describe with examples how different aspects of development can affect one another: The different aspects of child development can easily affect each other. If a child is having difficulties in one aspect of their development this could begin to cause difficulties in another area of that childs development. For example if a child has difficulties communicating with others this could also affect their social development as they will be unable to talk to others, join in conversations, songs and games etc. This could then have further affects on the childs emotional development as their lack of social interaction may lead them to feel left-out and lonely which could lead to sadness or frustration and even anger. This could then have an affect on their behavioural development as their anger and frustration teamed with their inability to communicate effectively could led to tantrums, fighting with others etc.
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